Project Partnerships

The Hayfield Accessibility Ramp Project would like to thank its project partners who volunteer their time and resources to make this project a reality. Without the support from the following organizations, this project would not be where it is today.
The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation, Inc.
The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mandate is to bring economic development to the parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica.
To bring economic development to the parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica through the following initiatives:
-Developing social and economic infrastructure
-Improving education and healthcare outcomes
-Promoting tourism investment by showcasing and preserving St. Thomas’ rich cultural heritage
-Leveraging and maximizing St. Thomas’ human resources to attract major investments that generate jobs

ProEx Productions LLC
ProEx Productions is a media production company with the goal to design creative outreach for businesses. Producing high quality, commercial content is only one of the many skills ProEx brings to the table. We find the narrative, designing media that reflects what is unique. Distinct. We love to take ideas and bring them to life. To offer the value of positive representation. The value of innovative thinking in media.
Friends of Jamaica
Friends of Jamaica is a public charity registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. Its EIN is 35-2560337. It is also an affiliate group of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).
NPCA champions lifelong commitment to Peace Corps ideals by connecting, engaging and promoting its members and affiliate groups as they continue to make a difference in communities in the U.S. and abroad. NPCA is also dedicated to advocating for, contributing to, and supporting the betterment of the Peace Corps. Visit NPCA to learn more.

Boise Brewing
What makes Boise Brewing so special is that is owned by over 450 people! This has created a special sense of ownership that is reflected in the quality of beer that is produced. Boise Brewing beer is for the people and by the people!
Each month, Boise Brewing works with a local, non-profit organization to help raise funds and volunteer for their organization. A portion of every CSB beer sold in the taproom goes directly to the organization at the end of the month. We believe that the best way to build the community that we love is to be involved! What better way than to enjoy a great beer!
Boise Brewing has donated over $2,100 so far to different non-profits.

The Boise Ultimate Scene
Boise Ultimate is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support the sport of Ultimate Frisbee and develop athletes, through local, sectional, regional, and national amateur competition.

Legacy US Inc is a lean, nimble innovation company focused on technologies in pressure, temperature and flow. Our mission is to create and deliver simple step-change solutions to complex problems for our clients that give them competitive advantage and commercial success while simultaneously leaving a positive impact on society and the environment.

Carib Cement
Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCCL) is a publicly listed company which has been in operation since 1952 and is the sole manufacturer of Portland and blended cement in Jamaica. Its main plant and operations are situated in Rockfort, Kingston with additional quarry operation in both St. Andrew and St. Thomas. CCCL produces high quality products using 100% indigenous raw materials, all mined within 10 miles of its main plant. CCCL is a member of the TCL Group, which is owned by CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V.