First off, I would like to thank everyone who supported us for the bake sale on September 22. A special thanks to Justin who baked brownies and helped organize the bake sale, Steve who let us borrow a table, and Phil who let us use a speaker. We managed to raise over $300 for the project. Thanks to everyone who donated!

There is an amazing Ultimate Frisbee community in Boise, known as The Boise Ultimate Scene (aka BUS), which has been around since 1995. Boise Ultimate is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support the sport of Ultimate Frisbee and develop athletes, through local, sectional, regional, and national amateur competition. The BUS is basically one big family that likes to play Ultimate Frisbee together. I have been playing Ultimate Frisbee within the Boise Ultimate Scene community when I started playing Mamu Zaldi back in 2014. I was instantly welcomed into the community and I have made some awesome friends through the community.
The BUS community has some extremely generous and caring people. One example that comes to mind is the support for Frisbee for Freedom in the past. With the generous people and the family like atmosphere of the BUS, it was a no brainer to start our fundraising within this community. BUS I LOVE YOU ALL!

It was originally Justin's idea for the bake sale. I have to give him all of the credit here. I was in Jamaica working with the architect to design the project when he suggested the idea. It works out perfectly because I had already bought some plane tickets to come back home to Boise. Two of my friends were getting married, so I decided to come back so I could attend both of the weddings. On October 2nd I will return to Jamaica to finish this project. Right now it is Fall League and every Wednesday in Ann Morrison park there are Ultimate Frisbee games. We decided to do a bake sale on one of the Wednesdays that there was League.

The day before League, Justin and I baked some brownies and cookies at his house. We are not known for our culinary skills, but I am happy with how the final product ended up. It turns out, it isn't that difficult to follow instructions on the back of a box. My mom, however, is an amazing baker. She made ten mini loaves of delicious zucchini bread that sold out super fast. All in all, we had about 60 pastries for sale.
On the Wednesday of League I showed up to the park a little early to set up the table. I set up a speaker next to the table and played some reggae music (as requested by Rich.) Throughout the day we had a steady stream of people coming up to the table to support the bake sale. By the end of the day we sold out all of our brownies, zucchini bread, and cookies.

The bake sale was all donation based. The frisbee players could donate as much as they wanted and then they could grab a brownie, bread or cookie. I was surprised with how generous everyone was. At the end of the day, we raised $323 dollars! All of the money we raised will go towards building the accessibility ramp at Hayfield Primary and Infant School. We still have a long ways to go, but we can build on this first fundraising attempt and before we know it we will reach our goal.
Thank you BUS and everyone who donated!
