About the Project
For a full view of the Hayfield Accessibility Ramp Project: Project Proposal and Outline, click HERE to view the PDF document
Watch this video to learn more about the project
Need for the Project
The mission of the Hayfield Accessibility Ramp Project is to create a more accessible and safe school for the students, faculty and community members in Jamaica.
Our two goals are:
1) Build an accessibility ramp to allow disabled students and community members to access the school.
2) Build a safety fence around the play field to prevent another student from falling down the steep drop-off.
In 2019 a student with cerebral palsy began school at Hayfield Primary and Infant school. There are 31 stairs to climb in order to reach the school and in 2016 a student fell down the steep drop-off and broke both of his arms.
By building an accessibility ramp and safety fence we can address both of the needs for the school and create a more accessible and safe school for the students, faculty and community members.

Alrick has to carry his son up 31 stairs every morning and evening
Phase 1: Design

The first phase of this project is the design phase. We have an idea for the project, but we need to meet with a qualified architect or engineer who can draw up blueprints for the project. The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation, Inc. has recommended us a qualified engineer to help with the design phase.
Once we have the blueprints for the project we can turn it in to the Jamaica Ministry of Education for approval. With the blueprints, we will know the estimated budget of the project and we can move to the next phase of the project.
Estimated time frame: August - September
Phase 2: Fundraise
The second phase of this project is the fundraising phase. We have the the blueprints for the project as well as an estimated budget. We estimate the project will cost $20,000 USD. We are fundraising through a GoFundMe campaign to reach our goals.
If you want to donate to the project as part of an organization, visit our Project Partnerships section to become a partner in this project.
Once we have fundraised enough money and we have received approval from the Ministry of Education, we will move on to the final phase of the project.
Estimated time frame: October - January
Phase 3: Build

The third and final phase for the project is the building phase. This will be the most exciting and important phase for the project. We will be working with the community members as well as volunteers to do the construction. Updates will be posted regularly for those who have donated to the project.
Estimated time frame: January 2022
Hayfield Accessibility Ramp Project Timeline
The Hayfield Accessibility Ramp Project started in March 2019.
Hayfield Primary and Infant School, the Hayfield CDC/JAS (the community development committee and farmers group in Hayfield), and Peace Corps Volunteer Joel Matheson, came together to create a project with the goal of building an accessibility ramp and other improvements for the school.
The project was never able to secure funding during Joel's two year Peace Corps Service. In March of 2020, Joel's time in Hayfield came to an end due to the Covid19 pandemic and the project was put on hold.
From August to November 2021, Joel went back to Jamaica to work work on the project. Joel and Lance met with Phil who drew up designs for the ramp.
The GoFundMe campaign started in October and is currently raising money for the construction of the ramp and fence.
Joel will go back to Jamaica in January to complete the ramp.